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Marc Short

Executive Director, Coalition to Protect American Workers; Contributor, NBC News‘ “Meet the Press” and CNBC; Chief of Staff to Vice President Mike Pence (2019-2021), Director of Legislative Affairs to the President (2017-2018)

Marc Short served as Chief of Staff to Vice President Mike Pence and Director of Legislative Affairs to President Trump, positions he earned through his reputation for being a modest yet clever strategist on the Hill.

Marc is known for his polished pragmatism, a grounded approach to leadership, and for his humility. He told National Journal, “If you approach the job with a servant’s heart, then you end up better serving the president.”

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Travels From: Washington, D.C. | Fee Range: $15,000 - $25,000

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We are at a pivotal moment in American history with both parties prepared to nominate widely unpopular candidates facing unprecedented legal and capability questions.  The next Administration will inherit a mounting debt crisis and enormous interest payments, conflicts raging across the globe, narrow Congressional margins, and an increasingly polarized electorate.

As someone who dealt with these same issues from inside the White House, serving as chief of staff to Mike Pence, Marc Short has insights into what is being discussed in the Oval Office. His ability to strategize provides him with informed ideas on the various and likely paths forward in Congress and the White House. As such, Marc can discuss how these strategies will impact the U.S. economy and what it means for corporate America as well as the U.S. workforce.

As a respected member of the policy and legislative team, he understands the importance of coalition building and how to find common ground.

In addition to the U.S. Presidential election, Marc has his finger on the pulse of what will be happening in swing states and key House and Senate races that will impact the elected president’s ability to work with Congress.

Effective leadership is more important than ever– and harder than ever to find, as Marc Short knows firsthand. Drawing on a wealth of experience working for President Donald Trump, Vice President Mike Pence, and many other prominent politicians and business executives over two-plus decades, Marc explores why some leaders flourish while others fail. His actionable insights can empower today’s and tomorrow’s leaders to seize opportunities, avoid pitfalls, accomplish their goals, and reach new heights.

Marc Short has not only lived through the highs and lows of the Republican Party, he’s helped it recover from failure and pave the way for success through his behind-the-scenes leadership. With an uncertain future facing the GOP, Marc can speak from personal experience to the leaders who will shape it and the forces that will confront it. His past gives him the perfect platform to predict where the Republican Party goes in the future, whether it can integrate traditional and new factions– and what it means for American businesses and the American people.

With the Democratic Party holding the narrowest possible majorities in Congress, opportunities for significant legislation look slim. Marc Short sees things differently. He’s worked the levers of power in Congress when Democrats held both chambers, when Republicans were in control, and when divided government ruled the day. He knows what’s possible, what’s not possible, and who the power players are. His insights can help individuals and organizations navigate Congress and advance their objectives.


Marc Short is a contributor for NBC News’ ‘Meet the Press’ and CNBC as well as a Fellow at Georgetown University Institute of Politics and Public Service leading seminars on the realignment of our two political parties. He served as Chief of Staff to Vice President Mike Pence and as Assistant to the President and Director of Legislative Affairs at the White House for President Donald J. Trump. As the legislative affairs director, he worked to successfully pass the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act and shepherd through the nomination of hundreds of nominees, including Justice Neil Gorsuch.

Mr. Short has previously worked as a partner at GuidePost Strategies, a commentator for CNN and Senior Fellow at the University of Virginia’s Miller Center. Prior to joining the Trump – Pence campaign, Marc was president of Freedom Partners Chamber of Commerce, the largest free-market business league in the U.S. with an annual budget exceeding $300 million. Marc also served as Chief of Staff for the House Republican Conference, chaired by Congressman Mike Pence (R-IN) and for Senator Kay Bailey Hutchison (R-TX). In his early career, Marc was the executive director of the Reagan Ranch from 1998-2001 and served as the executive director of Freedom Alliance from 1995-1998.

Marc graduated from Washington and Lee University and received his master’s degree from the Darden Graduate School of Business Administration at the University of Virginia. He lives in Arlington with his wife and their three children.


Marc Short is an impressive speaker, providing insightful comments on current events, colored with tales from his experience in the White House and beyond. He kept the audience captivated. Marc’s candor was refreshing, especially when combined with his sharp wit which meant he was entertaining while informative.

National Association of Water Companies


Marc did an amazing job– he was very informative, friendly and gave an excellent presentation. He answered all questions asked during the session and several members mentioned that it was one of our best speakers to date! I am so glad WWSG thought of Marc as an option for my group early on. We would be honored to host him again in the future.

Jon Hand, Executive Director of Electric Cities of Alabama


Our event was great, and Marc did an amazing job. He is a super nice and smart man. Someone many could learn from, in my opinion. I really appreciate him coming to visit with our wonderful group of farmers and ranchers. I also appreciate WWSG for helping make this happen.

Laramie Adams, National Legislative Director of Texas Farm Bureau

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