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How to quit at the right time

Rachel Botsman Worldwide Speakers Group
Thought Leader: Rachel Botsman
December 19, 2022
Source: Linkedin

As we head toward a well-earned break for the holidays and new year, I’ve been thinking a lot about how new ideas often emerge at this annual juncture. Do any of these ring true to your thoughts about the new year ahead?

All of these have something in common: they require us to quit on something or someone. Quitting gets such a bad rap. As legendary football coach Vince Lombardi said, “Winners never quit, and quitters never win.” It’s simply not true: the skill of knowing when and what to quit needs rethinking.

“The heroes are the ones who persevere beyond the point of physical or emotional or mental wellbeing in order to push past that, and like, cross the chasm.” – Annie Duke

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