Newt Gingrich to Speak at Ripon College
Newt Gingrich, Republican Speaker of the House of Representatives from 1995 to 1999, will speak at Ripon College on Wednesday, March 11. The appearance will…
Thought Leader: Newt Gingrich
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Newt Gingrich to Speak at Ripon College
Newt Gingrich, Republican Speaker of the House of Representatives from 1995 to 1999, will speak at Ripon College on Wednesday, March 11. The appearance will…
Thought Leader: Newt Gingrich
Newt Gingrich Will Deliver Sebelius Lecture in April
The lecture series named for one of Fort Hays State University’s most notable alumni will feature an appearance in April by Newt Gingrich, former speaker…
Thought Leader: Newt Gingrich
Thought Leader: Steve Wozniak
Thought Leader: Ben Parr
Thought Leader: Evan Feigenbaum
Ben Parr Wants Your Attention: Q&A With the Author of Captivology
By: Katherine Dill (Forbes) Parr has devoted much of his career to grabbing eyeballs in various capacities, formerly as the co-editor of Mashable and now…
Thought Leader: Ben Parr
Former Princeton Native Captivates Audiences
By: Goldie Currie In his book, Parr combines the latest research on attention with interviews with more than 50 scientists and visionaries — Facebook’s Sheryl…
Thought Leader: Ben Parr
A demotion, then an Everest climb cut short: How one woman tackled two different kinds of failure
By: Caroline McMillan (Bizwomen) - It's known as the Death Zone. Elevation: 26,000 feet. Mere hours from the summit of Mount Everest, the highest point…
Thought Leader: Susan Ershler
Thought Leader: Ambassador William J. Burns
Carly Fiorina Forms New Political Action Committee
Supporters of former Hewlett Packard CEO Carly Fiorina announced the establishment of a new super PAC Tuesday to support a possible GOP presidential candidacy by the former…
Thought Leader: Carly Fiorina
Peter Diamandis: Here’s How You’ll Buy Clothes in the Future
Peter Diamandis talks virtual reality as a major emerging technology in today's featured Big Think interview. In his new book Bold (co-authored with fellow Big Think expert Steven Kotler), Diamandis…
Thought Leader: Peter Diamandis