If the United States were my patient
(CNN) - The country and the world are facing a serious illness. But, it is treatable. It is fixable. Let's do this together.
Thought Leader: Sanjay Gupta
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If the United States were my patient
(CNN) - The country and the world are facing a serious illness. But, it is treatable. It is fixable. Let's do this together.
Thought Leader: Sanjay Gupta
After Coronavirus, Government Will Have to Shrink
(The Wall Street Journal) - When focus shifts from the pandemic to the economy, it will need to shift from a lot more government action…
Thought Leader: Stephen Harper
Life with coronavirus, or the world we might have lost
(The Boston Globe) - How much are social mores going to change as a result of the pandemic?
Thought Leader: Niall Ferguson
Antibody Knowledge Can Be Power
(The Wall Street Journal) - Covid-19 may be here for a long time. As work and activities begin to resume, there will continue to be…
Thought Leader: Scott Gottlieb
It can still be hard to get a coronavirus test — and that’s not the only problem
(CNN) - The coronavirus pandemic is nowhere near to being over, yet states are starting to ease restrictions to try to avert economic disaster.
Thought Leader: Sanjay Gupta
Coronavirus was a surprise – Amazing technology can give us early warning of future outbreaks
(Fox News) - In our interconnected world, where communicable diseases can spread so easily and rapidly, we need to be better able to anticipate and…
Thought Leader: Newt Gingrich
Mogul of motivation: Paul Long channels hustle into finding what’s good amid COVID-19
(Startland News) - “I’m not scared at all about the future. Specifically because I know I’m throwing good energy into the universe without the expectation…
Thought Leader: Paul Long
(Mediaite) – This unprecedented period and its accompanying restrictions have forced innovations and sacrifices that allow the world’s second largest economy to resume business, even…
Thought Leader: David Culver
Pandemic ‘Weather Service’ Key Before Next Outbreak, House Told
(Bloomberg Law) – The U.S. could speed its response to future pandemics by building a National Weather Service-like system to predict disease outbreaks the same…
Thought Leader: Caitlin Rivers
Gottlieb says coronavirus mitigation “didn’t work as well as we expected” in reducing cases
(Face The Nation) – The former FDA commissioner said new coronavirus cases continue to rise in roughly 20 states.
Thought Leader: Scott Gottlieb
‘I’m An Astronaut. This Is What It’s Like To Walk In Space’
(Newsweek) – Over the past few weeks a common joke I hear from family and friends is: "Hey Mike, I bet you wish you were…
Thought Leader: Mike Massimino
(The Boston Globe) - Growing up in Glasgow, my friends and I liked to quote Calimero sarcastically at anyone who complained about their lot. ‘It’s…
Thought Leader: Niall Ferguson