Statement by Henry M. Paulson, Jr. on China’s Climate Announcements
(Original source The Paulson Institute)
“In response to the announcement today by the United States and China on China’s climate-related commitments in the lead-up to the U.N. negotiations in Paris in December, Paulson Institute Chairman Henry M. Paulson, Jr. issued the following statement. Paulson founded the Strategic & Economic Dialogue with China as Treasury Secretary in 2006. Today, he is Chairman of the Paulson Institute, a non-partisan institution focused on the economic and environmental relationship between the United States and China, including working with China to achieve a more sustainable economic transition.
“I am pleased with China’s announcements today, which demonstrate the country’s serious commitment to addressing climate change, especially through domestic policy changes and actions. As the two largest carbon emitters—and the two largest economies—in the world, China and the U.S. have a responsibility to work together to address the economic risks posed by climate change. Last year, the two countries committed to working together on these issues; today China, in particular, put meat on the bones of that announcement.”
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