Paulson Institute Report Argues that Jing-Jin-Ji Region Can Become National Model for Sustainable Economic Growth
(Original source The Paulson Institute)
“The Paulson Institute today released a report entitled China’s Next Opportunity: Sustainable Economic Transition. The report focuses on the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region (or Jing-Jin-Ji), making the case that this region—the seat of China’s central government, one of its fastest-growing urban areas, and one of the most important industrial zones in China—has the potential to dramatically reduce emissions and lead the way for China’s nationwide transformation toward a more sustainable economic model.
The Jing-Jin-Ji region is home to the world’s largest steel production area, in Hebei Province, and to eight of China’s ten most polluted cities. Responsible for 10 percent of China’s GDP, the region is also urbanizing at a fast pace. China’s government has targeted the region as a test case for a new approach to economic growth, with detailed objectives for reducing air pollution.”
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