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Midterm surprise: Low Black voter turnout

Josh Kraushaar Worldwide Speakers Group
Thought Leader: Josh Kraushaar
December 4, 2022
Source: Axios

A record number of Black Democrats ran for Senate in battleground states during the 2022 midterm elections — but many of them failed to energize African American voters.

Why it matters: One of the most important stories in American politics is the Democratic Party’s increasing reliance on white voters, as they lose ground with nonwhite voters.

“[T]he evidence so far raises the distinct possibility that the Black share of the electorate sank to its lowest level since 2006,” The New York Times’ Nate Cohn writes.

By the numbers: Mandela Barnes, Wisconsin’s progressive lieutenant governor, was one of the biggest Democratic underperformers in Senate races. He came up 26,718 votes short — a margin that nearly matched the Democratic dropoff in the city of Milwaukee, compared with 2018.

Reality check: Even as Black turnout sagged in Georgia for the November election, African American voters are showing up in larger numbers for early voting in the Georgia Senate runoff.

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