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Meet the woman who elevated conservation photography to a whole new level

Thought Leader: Cristina Mittermeier
May 20, 2019
Source: Link

By Cristina Mittermeier (Original source MNN)

“It is no small task to take the good that can come of photography and turn it into a movement. But that’s just what Cristina Mittermeier has done with conservation photography. Though photography has been used for decades as a way to influence people to protect and conserve the Earth’s creatures and habitats, it wasn’t a goal photographers necessarily focused on in their shooting. Mittermeier, however, has been and is a driving force behind building the effects of influencing people with images into a known and respected genre, and conservation photography is attracting more and more wildlife and nature photographers interested in advocating for the preservation of the planet’s fragile treasures.

I talked with Mittermeier about her experiences, the sacrifices she has made to pursue her photography and advocacy, and the successes she has seen come from her hard work. Her life and her images are an inspiration. If you need a boost of optimism in your own conservation work, these words and photos will bolster you.”

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