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Komen’s Brinker Signs on to Brief Linking “Traditional Conservative Values” and Marriage Equality

Thought Leader: Ambassador Nancy Brinker
March 19, 2015
Source: Link

By Ruth McCambridge (original source Nonprofit Quarterly)  

“Nancy Brinker, the embattled founder of fundraising machine Susan G. Komen, published an op-ed in theAdvocate this morning explaining why she signed on to an amicus brief arguing against the upholding of state bans on marriage equality, along with around 300 other Republicans. The case, an amalgam of four cases from different states, is due to be heard by the Supreme Court at the end of April. Other signatories included Sen. Susan Collins of Maine, Sen. Mark Kirk of Illinois, former Utah Gov. John Huntsman, former New York City Mayor Rudy Giuliani, and billionaire GOP donor David Koch.

Brinker, whose son is gay, writes:

“We are at a historical crossroads in America, when disparate political and ideological communities are committed to ensuring that discrimination on any level will not be tolerated. With this in mind, I have added my name to an amicus brief concerning government recognition of the freedom to marry filed with the U.S. Supreme Court by Project Right Side and former Republican National Committee chairman Ken Mehlman. A total of 303 Republican, libertarian, conservative, and center-right high profile activists and government officials have signed on to the brief. We want the court to know that we support traditional conservative values, including a belief in the importance of stable families, and that those conservative values are consistent with affording civil marriage rights to same-sex couples.”

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