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How To Build A Non-Profit That Thrives And Influences: A Conversation With Nancy Brinker

Thought Leader: Ambassador Nancy Brinker
June 8, 2015
Source: Link

By Kathy Caprino (original source Forbes)

“According to an IEG Sponsorship Report, cause marketing grew from about $120 million in sponsorships for 1990, to $1.85 billion in 2014. Clearly, cause marketing has become a part of American culture and people are supporting issues and causes that touch them personally and matter to them ethically and civically. As thousands of people each day are increasing their involvement in both health advocacy and nonprofit, philanthropic causes, the burning question on their minds is how to effectively expand awareness of their own cause while surviving the rapidly-expanding competitive landscape. It’s clear that a new path needs to be cleared where nonprofit organizations can both co-exist and collaborate together in order to prevent fragmentation, detrimental competition, and a dilution of efforts to make progress on their respective causes.”

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