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How Shark Tank’s Daymond John Taught Me How To Find The Right Mentor

Thought Leader: Daymond John
May 5, 2015
Source: Link

By: Omaid Homayun (original source Forbes) 

“I was about to take a leap of faith into a new career and had two offers on the table. The first company would provide invaluable work experience and the other was offering more money than I had ever seen. To help me asses this life-changing decision I reached out to my mentor who has been my sounding board for career advice over the last seven years; he was my manager and I was fortunate to have him as one of my mentors. He never told me what to do, but he helped me evaluate my options so I could make an informed decision. In the end I opted for the work experience because that opportunity also met the other essential criteria of my job search.”

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