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Dr. Leana Wen: COVID summer wave, and watch out for extreme heat!

Thought Leader: Leana Wen
August 7, 2024

On Midday Healthwatch, our monthly conversations about public health with Dr. Leana Wen, we ask about the uptick in COVID-19 cases in Maryland and across the country. Should we be avoiding gatherings of people inside? Is it time to return to the precautious behavior from earlier in the pandemic?

Plus, how to manage hypertension, the ‘silent killer’ disease, which can be exacerbated by exposure to extreme heat.

Wen is one of America’s most trusted and knowledgeable public health experts, and she has been a regular guest on our show since her time as the Baltimore City Health Commissioner, from 2015-2018. Today, the emergency physician serves as a research professor of healthy policy and management at the George Washington University’s Milken Institute School of Public Health.

Wen is also a columnist for the Washington Post and the author of Lifelines: A Doctor’s Journey in the Fight for Public

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