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Craig Siegel

Keynote Speaker, Coach, Entrepreneur, Podcast Host, Performance Enhancer & Reinvention Expert

Removing limiting beliefs is the key to success in all areas of life. Most people feel unworthy; Craig helps them release the negative beliefs they have cultivated over time and implement positive and constructive thoughts, which then create powerful and positive beliefs which change behaviors and ultimately create improved results in your relationships, business, and all facets of life.

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Speech Topics

  • Everybody’s life or performance in life, whether it be relationships, business, or entrepreneurship, all begins with a thought in our head and our mindset
  • Over the course of the day we get a numerous amount of thoughts that come to us. Most are negative. The most successful and optimal people are aware of this and replace these thoughts with empowering ones. These thoughts create beliefs and those beliefs create habits and behaviors, which then create the results.
  • The universe is a mirror so if you have disempowering thoughts, you’ll get disempowering results but if you have optimistic empowering thoughts, the world will conspire for you as opposed to against you. Once we understand this, we can shift our perspective and mindset and crack open limitless physical and mental potential.
  • Goals provide a sense of purpose and direction. If you’re going to think, you might as well think big. You cannot hit a target you cannot see and you will only go as far as your self image of yourself
  • Never underestimate your potential or discount your ability. Great achievements are based on perseverance. The only way you fail is if you don’t try. Too many people these days are playing small or are living in fear and as a result, they never accomplish anything truly magical or special. Craig knows this from experience. It wasn’t until he expanded his paradigms and what he saw possible for himself that he was able to really build his CLS empire and impact the world.
  • Hold yourself accountable to achieve your goals. Stack small wins. Prepare yourself for success. If your dream requires training or homework, do it. Give yourself every chance to get there and chances are you will.
  • All that you achieve and all that you fail to achieve is the direct result of your thoughts
  • Our thoughts have a frequency. Thoughts are random, thinking is not. Once we remove limiting beliefs and change them to positive and constructive ones, we then change our beliefs, which then changes our habits, behaviors and results.
  • Positive, effective leadership increases employee engagement, alleviates friction in high-pressure situations and times of transition, and produces dramatic results
  • Craig speaks on cultivating confident and transformational leaders who can engage employees, inspire people, and build a culture of collaboration and commitment.
  • When you believe something is possible, your mind finds solutions to make it so. This is the power of intention.
  • If you could think about what you want in your mind and make it your dominant thought, you will bring it into your life utilizing the Law of Attraction, making it a reality.
  • Thoughts become things. The universe is our mirror so you have to see yourself having it already.
  • To be inspired means to be in spirit.
  • Say yes to opportunities and possibilities. Everything can change in a short amount of time when you put yourself in that frequency, when you decide that you want more.
  • The mindset and psychology of sales. Whether or not you are in a “sales’ role, we are selling ourselves everyday in some capacity – this can be selling ourselves in a relationship, job interview, negotiating a phone bill.
  • Sales is about building rapport and relationships. People buy from people based on emotion.
  • The most important sell we ever make is selling ourselves on our intention.
  • Learn the true art of closing with the proper mindset, preparation, and skillset.
  • Confidence is the key to life. It is a skillset that can be cultivated. So how do we create confidence? It’s not so much the craft, as it is the ability to access the craft and utilize it in our own life.
  • We access our own magic and elevate our state with the snap of our fingers by utilizing NLP techniques such as modeling and anchoring attributes of others that we hold in high regard.
  • Many people have patterns that are disempowering and do not believe our own self worth which prevents us from moving forward in life. By becoming aware of these thoughts and patterns, we are able to change them, gain self trust and belief in ourselves, and become more confident.
  • How to Cultivate lifelong relationships by developing rapport
  • Building rapport is a skill that if cultivated with authenticity can open up doors and opportunities you never thought possible
  • The power of Networking and Community
  • Craig addresses the unique challenges that employees and companies are facing and guides people by shifting their mindsets and providing tools for self-care, a growth mindset, emotional resiliency and tapping into your intuition.
  • Keep your mind active. As with your body, if you don’t use your mind, you’ll lose it. So treat your mind with the same respect as your body. Exercise it, rest it, expand your capacity.


Craig Siegel is a value-based and high energy Keynote Speaker, Performance Coach, Entrepreneur, Online brand exploder, Master Elevator, Host of the record-breaking podcast, The CLS Experience, and rising thought leader, as featured in Entrepreneur and endorsed by some of the world’s most well-known celebrities, such as Rob Dyrdek, Ed Mylett, Alicia Silverstone, Jon Gordon, Jim Rome, Suzanne Somers, Dr. Caroline Leaf as well as professional athletes such as Bethany Hamilton and NFL Hall of Famer Brian Dawkins.

When the pandemic happened, Craig felt guided and left his lucrative and stable job on Wall Street and went all in with his passion and purpose to help people revamp their mindset and fulfill their potential. Craig’s unique combination of energy, motivation, inspiration, charisma and business has led to the meteoric rise of Cultivate Lasting Symphony (CLS), a contagious, never before seen explosion that has impacted millions of lives worldwide.

Removing limiting beliefs is the key to success in all areas of life. Most people feel unworthy, Craig helps people release the negative beliefs they have cultivated over time and implement positive and constructive thoughts, which then create powerful and positive beliefs which change your behaviors and ultimately, create brand new results in your relationships, business, and all facets of life.


"I just listened to Craig Siegel speak for the first time, and let me tell you, his passion, his fire, his realness, his authenticity, his message was very, very moving. I probably got about 10-15 quotes straight out of his mouth that I'm going to put on my social media, quoting him because he was super motivational. I loved him. He was awesome and full of fire and I just want to share that with everyone." –Jessica Brothers, Nutritionist

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