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Stedman Graham: Why I Care so Much About Leadership

Thought Leader: Stedman Graham
April 30, 2019
Source: Link

By Stedman Graham (Original source Real Leaders)

“For more than 30 years, I have been writing books, teaching in colleges, working in communities, leading non-profits and speaking at workshops throughout the world. In all that time, I have come to know one thing: leadership is everything. The needs of the 21st century cannot be met by followers.

The world is changing at warp speed, and people must be able to stand on a solid platform of self-awareness, equipped with the tools required for self-leadership that allow them to adapt to the ever-changing technologies, ideologies and circumstances of their lives. I want to change peoples’ mind-set from that of a follower to that of a leader. My program produces results: people become self-motivated leaders in their lives, inspired by their dreams and their values. Further, they inspire themselves to succeed, no longer dependent on outside forces for motivation or discipline.”

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