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Pot Legalization Makes Vaping Deadly

Thought Leader: Scott Gottlieb
October 11, 2019
Source: Link

By Scott Gottlieb (Original source WSJ)

“Doctors have linked a tragic wave of lung injuries and deaths to the vaping of tainted marijuana concentrates. The episode reveals the dangers created by the federal government’s decadelong refusal to challenge state laws legalizing pot and promoting risky uses of its derivatives.

The Obama administration announced in 2013 that it wouldn’t enforce federal drug laws in states that had legalized pot use. The following year, Congress started attaching legislative riders to budget bills to prevent the Justice Department and other agencies from enforcing federal laws banning marijuana use in the 33 states that have made weed legal. The Trump administration has tried to reverse some of these policies. In 2018, then-Attorney General Jeff Sessions rescinded Obama administration guidance giving U.S. attorneys discretion not to enforce federal drug law in states that have legalized marijuana. But the White House has been reluctant to challenge popular state policies directly. As a result a large pot industry has bloomed in recent years, and a dangerous market in cannabis concentrates, such as the ones responsible for the vaping deaths, has proliferated.”

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