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FDA’s Gottlieb heads back to AEI to tackle drug prices

Thought Leader: Scott Gottlieb
April 4, 2019
Source: Link

By Scott Gottlieb (Original source Washingotn Post)

“Scott Gottlieb, who will step down as commissioner of the Food and Drug Administration on Friday, plans to return to the American Enterprise Institute to focus on drug prices — a hotly debated area that has been peripheral to his current job, he said in an interview.

The 46-year-old physician, who has been commuting weekly to Washington from his home in Connecticut, said he plans to spend a half-dozen days a month in Washington as a resident fellow at the conservative think tank. Besides that, he said, he has no commitments for now other than taking his family to Disney World.

Gottlieb announced last month that he was leaving his post to spend more time with his wife and three young daughters. In a recent interview, he said he would explore other opportunities besides AEI at an appropriate time, “but I don’t know what they are right now.”’

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