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Dr. James S. C. Chao and Secretary Elaine Chao Are Grand Marshals of The First Asian Pacific American Heritage Parade in New York City

Thought Leader: Elaine Chao
May 16, 2022
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New York – On Sunday, May 15, 2022, well known and much respected philanthropist Dr. James S. C. Chao, and Secretary Elaine Chao, the first Asian American woman ever appointed to the President’s cabinet are Grand Marshals to lead the first ever Asian Pacific American (APA) Heritage Parade in New York City.   The parade takes place along a 11-block route in downtown Manhattan between 44th and 55th Street on 6th Avenue.   Both Dr. Chao and Secretary Chao were delighted to be invited to be the Grand Marshals in the first Asian Pacific American Heritage Parade in New York City.  Secretary Chao said, “My father, Dr. James S. C. Chao, and I are very honored to be asked to be Grand Marshals celebrating the first ever Asian Pacific American Heritage Parade.  Asian American, Native Hawaiian, and Pacific Islander are the fastest-growing racial group in the United States representing over 6% of the U.S. population.”

Dr. Chao said, “I have been in America for over 60 years and I am honored and humbled to be Grand Marshal with my daughter, Secretary Elaine Chao, to recognize the contributions of Asian Americans and I am confident the future will bring continued progress and increasing representation in the leadership of our country.”

In 1990, President George H W Bush signed a joint resolution designating the month of May as Asian American Heritage Month.  Two years later he signed it into law.  For over 30 years, Americans have celebrated Asian Pacific American Heritage Month throughout the month of May.

紐約 – 2022 年 5 月 15 日,星期日,著名且備受尊敬的慈善家 趙锡成博士和首位被任命為總統內閣成員的亞裔美國女性部長 趙小蘭女士擔任大元帥,引導史上首次紐約市亞太裔美國人(APA) 遺產大遊行。遊行在曼哈頓市中心第 6 大道第 44 街和第 55 街之間的 11 個街區的路線上進行。趙博士和趙部長很高興受邀擔任紐約市首屆亞太裔美國人遺產遊行的大元帥。趙部长說:“我和我的父親趙锡成博士非常榮幸被邀請擔任大元帥,慶祝有史以來第一次亞太裔美國人遺產遊行。亞裔美國人、夏威夷原住民和太平洋島民是美國增長最快的種族群體,占美國人口的 6% 以上。”


 1990 年,喬治·H·W·布什總統簽署了一項聯合決議,將 5 月指定為亞裔美國人傳統月。兩年後,他將其簽署成為法律。 30 多年來,美國人在整個五月慶祝亞太裔美國人傳統月。

Dr. James S. C. Chao has dedicated his life to the maritime industry and philanthropic activities to help others. He is the Founder and Honorary Chairman of Foremost Group, a highly respected American shipping company whose motto is:  Honor.  Integrity.  Performance.  He grew up in a small farming hamlet in Jiading County, outside of Shanghai.  Early in his career, he advanced rapidly to become one of the youngest ocean-going sea captains at the age of 29.  He then took the 4-day National Examination and achieved the highest score ever recorded.

After earning his MBA in Management from St. John’s University in New York City, Dr. Chao founded what later becomes Foremost Group.  An early adopter of green technology, Foremost Group has incorporated fuel-efficient designs and technology in its fleet, which are ranked among the world’s most eco-friendly bulk carriers.  For his outstanding contributions to the maritime industry, Dr. Chao was inducted into the International Maritime Hall of Fame at the United Nations.

Dr. Chao and his late wife, Mrs. Ruth Mulan Chu Chao, have dedicated their lives to promoting education and philanthropy.  Scholarships from their foundations have benefited thousands of students.  To commemorate Ruth’s legacy of faith, family, and philanthropy, generous gifts have been made toward the construction of many institutions including the Ruth Mulan Chu Chao Center at Harvard University, the first woman named after an Asian American in Harvard’s history.

The recipient of innumerable honors and awards, Dr. Chao has been recognized with the Horatio Alger Award of Distinguished Americans at the United States Supreme Court and the Ellis Island Medal of Honor.  The U.S. Department of Homeland Security recognized Dr. Chao as an Outstanding American by Choice.  Dr. Chao is the subject of a best-selling biography entitled, FEARLESS AGAINST THE WIND, a complement to the best-selling biography on his late wife, Mrs. Ruth Mulan Chu Chao, CALM AMIDST THE STORMS.

趙錫城 博士畢生致力于海運業和慈善活動以幫助他人。他是福茂集團的創始人和名譽主席,該集團是一家以誠信、可靠以及優質服務著稱的美國航運公司。他在上海郊外嘉定縣一個小農莊的一個受過良好教育的家庭中長大。在職業生涯初期,他迅速晉級,29歲成為最年輕的遠洋船長之一。隨後,他參加了全國考試院舉辦的甲級船長特種考試,並取得了有史以來的最高分。

在紐約市聖約翰大學獲得管理學 MBA 學位後,趙博士創立了後來成為 福茂集團的公司。作為綠色技術的早期采用者,福茂集團在其船隊中采用了節能設計和技術,這些船隊被評為世界上最環保的散貨船。由于對海運業的傑出貢獻,趙博士入選聯合國國際海事名人堂。

趙博士和他已故的妻子朱木蘭夫人畢生致力于促進教育和慈善事業。他們基金會的獎學金使成千上萬的學生受益。為紀念朱木蘭女士的信仰、家庭和慈善事業,為建設包括哈佛大學露絲趙朱木蘭中心在內的許多機構提供了豐厚的禮物。 哈佛大學露絲趙朱木蘭中心是哈佛曆史上第一座以女性和亞裔美國人命名的建築。

趙博士獲得了無數的榮譽和獎項。他曾在美國最高法院獲得 “奧爾傑傑出美國人獎” 和“埃利斯島榮譽勳章”。美國國土安全部頒發給趙博士“傑出美國公民獎”。最近出版的暢銷書《逆風無畏》是一本生動講述趙錫成博士傳奇人生的人物傳記,繼而出版的《淡定自在》是講述已故夫人趙朱木蘭女士一生博愛與奉獻的生動傳記,兩書相得益彰,珠聯璧合。


Secretary Elaine Chao is the first Asian American woman to be appointed to a President’s cabinet in U. S. history.  She is the longest serving cabinet secretary since World War II.  Few Americans have achieved the rare distinction of serving in two cabinet posts.  She has been confirmed on a bipartisan basis to two Presidential cabinet positions:  U. S. Secretary of Transportation and U. S. Secretary of Labor.

She arrived in America as an 8 year old and didn’t speak English.  She received her citizenship at the age of 19.  Despite her success, she has never forgotten her community and is well known for being a filial daughter.  During her tenure as Secretary of Labor, for example, the Department of Labor Bureau of Labor Statistics began to record monthly employment data on Asians Americans in its own category for the first time in history.

Prior to becoming the Secretary of Labor, Secretary Chao was President and CEO of United Way of America and Director of the Peace Corps.  In each position, she was always the first Asian American to be appointed and blazed the path forward for other Asian Americans to rise in America.

Secretary Chao earned her MBA from the Harvard Business School and is the recipient of 37 honorary doctorate degrees.

趙小蘭部長是美國曆史上第一位被任命為總統內閣成員的亞裔女性。她是二戰以來任 職時間最長的內閣秘書。很少有美國人能獲得在兩個內閣職位上任職的罕見榮譽。她已在兩黨基礎上被確認擔任兩個總統內閣職位:美國交通部長和美國勞工部長。

盡管她取得了成功,但她從未忘記她的社區,並以孝順的女兒而聞名。 她 8 歲時移民,在抵達美國時不會說英語,她在 19 歲時獲得了公民身份。她畢生致力于確保每個人都有機會為自己和家人創造更好的生活。例如,在她擔任勞工部長期間,勞工統計局曆史上第一次開始在其所屬類別中記錄亞裔美國人的月度就業數據。

在成為勞工部長之前,趙部長擔任過” 美國聯合慈善基金會”的總裁兼首席執行官以及和平隊的主任。在每個職位上,她始終是第一位被任命的亞裔美國人,並為其他亞裔美國人在美國的崛起開辟了道路。

趙部長在哈佛商學院獲得了工商管理碩士學位,並獲得了 37 個榮譽博士學位。

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