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China and how we got it wrong

Thought Leader: Newt Gingrich
May 20, 2019
Source: Link

“To put it bluntly, our strategies for dealing with China are failing, because they are not based on reality.

This is an incredibly big problem, which I discuss in the new episode of the Newt’s World podcast “China: How We Got It Wrong.”

For decades, our diplomatic, economic, and security strategies related to China have been based on a set of key myths. We (myself included) sold ourselves an optimistic, American-centric, fantasy version of China that has never existed – and will likely never exist.

The real China is much more formidable and dangerous than we have wanted to believe.

I’m in the process of writing a book called “Trump vs. China: America’s Greatest Challenge” – and I’m deep into the research and writing phase. As I’ve been researching its past and present, I realized how remarkably I and others misunderstood this ancient country.”

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