Dan Sims is renowned in the talent, association, academic, and corporate communities as a trusted partner and outstanding leader. Throughout his notable career, he has consistently booked and recruited former heads of state, sports Hall-of-Famers, business-thought leaders, industry captains, Hollywood celebrities, government and military officials, and top industry experts for a wide range of organizations. Mr. Sims brings a wealth and depth of professional relationships and innovative marketing ideas to the WWSG team.
Mr. Sims founded THE AGENCY Speakers, LLC in 2005 which managed speaker engagements on four continents for clients such as Barclays, Merrill Lynch, Marriott, Novartis, MTV, and ESPN. He was also formerly Managing Director at one of the country’s leading speaker bureaus where he handled the exclusive lecture management of athletes, distinguished authors, and leading politicians.
In 2005, he earned the coveted Certified Meeting Professional (CMP) certification, the Convention Industry Council’s foremost certification program for meetings, conventions, and exhibitions. A featured thought leader at the American Society of Association Executives Springtime Conferences and a continuing lecturer at George Mason University on leadership and entrepreneurship, Mr. Sims conveys unequaled first-hand experiences and a depth of expertise to the industry.
Mr. Sims has published articles in national and trade publications on sales, management, and leadership, which have appeared in The Meeting Professional and Meeting & Conventions. He’s been featured in several local, regional and national media. A fervent supporter of the profession, Mr. Sims has personally led sponsorships for The Society of Government Meeting Professionals, Meeting Professionals International, Professional Convention Management Association, International Association of Speakers Bureaus American Society of Association Executives, the CMP Conclave, Convention Industry Council, American Student Government Association and many other professional groups.
Mr. Sims earned a B.S. in Marketing from Pennsylvania State University. His M.B.A. is from George Mason University, where he guest-lectures on leadership and entrepreneurship. He was awarded the Most Outstanding Entering Student by GMU’s School of Management Alumni Association.