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Simon T. Bailey

Author, Release Your Brilliance and Shift Your Brilliance; Thought Leader; Former Sales Director, Disney Institute

Simon T. Bailey is leader of the SPARK Movement whose purpose is to ignite sustainable transformation in people, systems, and nations. His Goalcast video released on Facebook has over 87+ million views worldwide.

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Transformational leaders are divergent thinkers who refuse to settle for a status quo culture. They are relentless in creating an environment where everyone belongs and brings their best selves to work.

This is a conscious inclusive mindset that fosters growth, high performance, and trust. Culture is more than the mission and vision of the organization. Culture happens when no one is looking. As business changes at the speed of light, an organization’s culture will stand the test of time if it’s built on the right foundation.

Leading with Spark is understanding that the purpose of leadership is to invite men and women on a journey to discover the leader within themselves while they’re following you. A leader can only take people to a place that he or she has already experienced.

Leading with Spark is understanding that innovation only happens when everyone has a seat at the table and their voice can be heard.

Leading with Spark is releasing the need to always be right and shifting to creating a culture that evolves from “me to we”.

Forward thinking leaders are forward looking leaders who understand the difference between effectiveness and busyness. Culture is the game changer that attracts talent, engages customers, and establishes a brand in the next decade.

Men and Women with SPARK understand that a paycheck is given to people who show up, and opportunities are given to those who think and work beyond what they are paid to do.

This is a fresh way of thinking today and in the future. As CEO (Chief Execution Officer) of your life, you’re intentionally accountable to having a fluid career vision, high performance behaviors, positive habits, and consistent execution. You have the uncanny ability to produce uncommon results in uncommon times.

Are you that person that the organization cannot live without?

Team Members with SPARK are transformational thinkers that positively impact everyone else around them by raising the vibrational level to produce tangible results. When everyone else is saying NO! Team members with SPARK find a way to say YES!

Men and Women with SPARK are leaders without titles who leverage relationship capital to do what is common in an uncommon way.

Men and Women with SPARK stop waiting for human resources to assign a new role and pivot from a job description to doing meaningful tasks.

Men and Women with SPARK fire themselves from their jobs and re-hire themselves as “intrapreneuers” intending to take their organization to the next level.

When I served as Sales Director at Disney Institute, I learned when I sparked moments for the people I was serving, I also sparked something in myself. I realize we spend so much time at work, if we’re going to revolutionize our lives, we have to leverage the moments we’re on the clock. Now, I’m dedicated to helping you uncover your inner fire and grow it each and every day.I want to teach you the mental algorithm to be a SPARK so that you can accelerate your results.

Customer Service is department.

Customer Love is mindset.

Do customers love your brand? Do your employees love your brand?

If so, then you have the secret sauce to becoming unforgettable to those you serve. In a world of information and interaction overload, SPARK ignites an emotional experience that causes customers to Velcro themselves to you and recommend your brand to their sphere of influence.

Where there is no SPARK, there is no joy. Where there is no joy, there is no hope; and where there is no hope, there is no passion. Without passion, a job is just a job. A business is simply something to do instead of something that makes a difference in the world. However, when a business finds it spark it transfers psychological ownership to all employees to emotionally connect instead of being mechanical in creating memorable moment.

This learning experience will equip you with simple ways to operationalize SPARK within your organization.


Simon T. Bailey is a Breakthrough Strategist whose life’s purpose is to teach 1 billion+ people how to be fearless and create their futures.

He equips companies with the tools necessary to effect cultural transformation resulting in higher employee engagement and platinum customer service experiences. He challenges individuals to dig deep to find and release their inner brilliance and become Chief Breakthrough Officers – personally and professionally.

With more than 30 years’ experience in the hospitality industry, including serving as sales director for Disney Institute, Simon knows how to engage and inspire leaders and team members through his keynotes, workshops, books and online courses. He has personally worked with more than 1,800 organizations in 48 countries.

Simon has been named one of the top 25 people who will help you reach your business and life goals by SUCCESS magazine, joining a list that includes Brene Brown, Tony Robbins and Oprah Winfrey. He is the author of ten books including his most recent release, Be the SPARK: Five Platinum Service Principles for Creating Customers for Life. His courses on, Building Business Relationships, Finding a Sponsor, and Leading Through Relationships, have been viewed by thousands of people worldwide. His Goalcast video has over 87+ million views.

Simon holds a Master’s degree from Faith Christian University and was inducted as an honorary member of the University of Central Florida Golden Key Honor Society.

When he is not working, Simon spends quality time with his two active teenagers, roots for the Buffalo Bills, and serves as a board member for the U.S. Dream Academy, Orlando Health Foundation, and Worldmaker.


"I can't speak highly enough of his ability to connect to an audience, to artfully deliver messages that will resonate, and to stir actionable emotion in even the most seasoned veteran attendee."

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