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Who is Brad Parscale?

Thought Leader: Private: Brad Parscale
March 2, 2018
Source: Link

By Jeremy Diamond and Dana Bash (original source CNN)

“Donald Trump’s ascent to the presidency brought with it a host of new household names. Corey Lewandowski, Hope Hicks, Kellyanne Conway, Steve Bannon — to name just a few.

But not Brad Parscale, who flew under the radar throughout most of 2016 as the Trump campaign’s digital advertising and data guru. That relative anonymity began to unfurl on Tuesday with the announcement that Parscale will helm Trump’s 2020 re-election bid as campaign manager, but his appointment was little surprise to Trump campaign veterans and insiders.

Even Parscale’s title in 2016 as the campaign’s digital director undersold his influence within the organization and his impact on Trump’s stunning electoral victory.”

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