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The Progress 1000: London’s most influential people 2015 – City

Thought Leader: Dambisa Moyo
September 16, 2015
Source: Link

(Original source Evening Standard) 

“Mark Carney

Governor, Bank of England

Carney has almost become a national treasure, albeit a Canadian-born one. The 50-year-old West Hampstead resident has embraced life in the capital to its fullest. In between deliberating increases to interest rates, Carney can be seen at the Old Vic with his Arsenal-supporting wife or pounding the streets of London on his way to work at Threadneedle Street. With the economy reviving under his watch, the George Clooney lookalike has also won over hearts and minds in the City despite his tough stance on banking miscreants.

António Horta-Osório

Chief executive, Lloyds Banking Group

The suave Portuguese banker has overseen a solid revamp of the part-state-owned Lloyds bank, nursing it back into a position where the Government has been able to sell down the taxpayer’s stake. He’s also managed to find a buyer for TSB — made up of former Lloyds branches the bank was ordered to sell by Brussels to compensate for its financial crisis state bailout.”

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