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The Most Important National Security Book In A Century – The Hundred Year Marathon, By Michael Pillsbury

Thought Leader: Michael Pillsbury
February 13, 2019
Source: Link

By L Todd Wood (Original source Tsarizm)

“Michael Pillsbury has written one of the most important national security manuscripts in American history – The Hundred Year Marathon: China’s Secret Strategy to Replace America as the Global Superpower.

I read this book on a plane ride across the pond, and it was the most eye-opening book I have read in a long time. It literally changed my view of the world. I highly recommend this for an awesome Christmas present to anyone who has interest in global affairs. Heck, I recommend it to anyone that doesn’t but should have that interest.

Our nation is a risk; this book lays it out in stunning prose. Below is the book description. Enjoy, and God bless America!

One of the U.S. government’s leading China experts reveals the hidden strategy fueling that country’s rise – and how Americans have been seduced into helping China overtake us as the world’s leading superpower.”

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