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The Biggest Little Boy: A Christmas Story

Thought Leader: Poppy Harlow
October 5, 2021
Source: Link

A little boy who loves big things discovers that appreciating the small is the key to holiday joy in this simple yet comforting picture book debut by CNN news anchor Harlow. For Luca, a light brown–skinned child with round red glasses, bigger is always better: trucks, toys, bowls of pasta, and especially trees. Luca’s focus on finding the enormous Christmas tree of his dreams drives the family’s search, as they take in seasonal sights while snow gently flurries and more lights begin to twinkle in Kaulitzki’s warm, atmospheric spreads of their busy city neighborhood. Luca’s parents—his mother appears to be Black, and his father appears white—wisely counsel, “We’ll know our tree when we see it.” As Luca finally discovers the unexpectedly perfect pine just days before the holiday, small readers will find reassurance in the adage that size doesn’t matter. Ages 3–7.

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