“In the days, weeks, and months that followed September 11, 2001, amidst the grieving and ache of a horrific national tragedy, something incredible happened. Across the country, thousands of men and women rushed to their local recruiting offices to fight for something bigger than themselves — their country.
This wasn’t the first time in our nation’s recent history such bravery and selflessness was exhibited by Americans of all different ages and backgrounds. From the World War II era to the Korean and Vietnam wars, millions of our loved ones here in Nevada and across the country have answered our nation’s call to serve, leaving behind their families and friends for time on end to make sacrifices most of us couldn’t fathom.
As a senior member of the Senate Veterans’ Affairs Committee, I’m honored to support Nevada’s 300,000 veterans and the state’s larger military community. I’m fighting day in and day out to ensure Nevada’s warriors have the best care and benefits this nation has promised them. This is a duty I don’t take lightly.”
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