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Sanjay Gupta: How Exercise Can Make Us Happier

Thought Leader: Sanjay Gupta
June 25, 2024
Source: Chasing Life

This podcast is hosted by WWSG exclusive thought leader, Sanjay Gupta.

When it comes to finding joy and happiness, exercise is not always top of mind but maybe it should be. Exercise benefits our physical health as well as helps to reduce anxiety, stress and symptoms of depression, yet many Americans say exercise is not something they enjoy. So where’s the disconnect? And how can people consistently reap the “feel good” benefits of exercise? Health psychologist and author of The Joy of Movement: How Exercise Helps Us Find Happiness, Hope, Connection and Courage, Kelly McGonigal talks with Sanjay about the why moving your body can be a source of joy and hope. And for listeners who say they don’t enjoy exercise or have limited mobility, she has some tips that might turn things around.

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