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Rules for Clinical Trials in a Pandemic

Thought Leader: Scott Gottlieb
June 22, 2020
Source: Link

By Scott Gottlieb and Mark McClellan (original source Wall Street Journal) 

“A new study finds that adding a simple steroid to the treatment of severe Covid-19 cases can significantly reduce deaths. That’s another milestone in the battle against the virus. It shows a path for reducing Covid deaths faster through medical innovation and for keeping the health-care system from being overwhelmed as the epidemic spreads.

The U.S., unlike Europe and Asia, seems to have decided not to crush the virus but try to reduce its spread to a controllable level. The 30,000 cases diagnosed each day probably represent no more than 20% of the total infections. It’s a lot of virus, but mostly manageable, for now. It won’t stay that way.

Death rates are down, partly because older Americans are protecting themselves. More new infections are among younger people less likely to have bad outcomes. But come fall it will be hard to keep infection rates down and isolate older Americans and those with serious health risks. Covid spread will collide with seasonal flu.”

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