Putin May Be The Most Effective Economic Reformer Russia Has Ever Had
By Harry G. Broadman (original source Forbes)
“Boris Yeltsin was no dummy. He had a secret plan all along to bring lasting economic democracy to Russia: put Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin, a former Lieutenant Colonel of the KGB (now FSB), in control of the Kremlin.
Yeltsin must have known that Putin, a political neophyte, would work unsparingly to centralize control and amass tremendous power—arguably the skills he had honed best over his career. And then, as a result of his comrade’s inability to adhere effectively to Machiavelli’s playbook, Yeltsin surely foresaw that Putin would begin to self-destruct on the world stage, getting Russia booted out of the G8; put the lid on a nascent democracy at home; and instill even greater brittleness to an already hobbling economy.”
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