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Paulson, Bair discuss economic future

Thought Leader: Sheila Bair
September 29, 2015
Source: Link

By Peter Heck (original source My Eastern Shore MD)

Economics was in the spotlight when former treasury secretary Henry Paulson and Washington College President Sheila Bair met in a symposium, “Our World, Their Future,” to discuss how the environment and the global economy will affect the next generation.

The Sept. 24 symposium, part of Bair’s inauguration as college president, drew a packed house in the college’s Decker Theater. Steve Clemons, Washington editor for The Atlantic, introduced the participants. He gave thumbnail biographies of the two, with a focus on their performance during the economic crisis of 2008, when he said Paulson and Bair, then chairman of the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation, “kept the economy from going over the brink.”

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