Newt Gingrich speaks at MC Scholarship Banquet
(original source The Mississippi Collegian)
“Condoleezza Rice. Jeb Bush. Carl Rove. Steve Forbes. Ben Carson. In the past eight years, these are just some of the men and women who have graced Mississippi College with their presence at the annual Spring Scholarship Banquet. During this time, Mississippi College has raised over $2.4 million that was funneled directly into scholarships. This year, as an incentive for their donation, attendees of the 2015 banquet were able to hear from former Speaker of the House Newt Gingrich.
Author of over 24 books and consistently heralded as the orchestrator of the “Republican Revolution,” Gingrich is well known for his strong political rhetoric as well as for being the Time Magazine “Man of the Year” in 1995. His strong leadership of the Republican Party led them to a balanced national budget in 1998 and consistently lower capital gains taxes.”
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