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Here’s who I thought won last night’s debate – and one GIANT loser

Thought Leader: Allen West
October 29, 2015
Source: Link

By Congressman Allen West (original source Allen B West)

“Here’s the one takeaway from the GOP presidential primary debate from Wednesday evening — the hypocrisy of the liberal progressive media was called out.

If there was an overall loser for the debate, it was collectively the CNBC moderators of Carl Quintanilla, Becky Quick, and John Harwood. The obvious winners were the ten GOP candidates who took on the moderators, attacking them for their blatantly biased line of questioning and for the most part, didn’t fall into the trap of the circular firing squad. As Senator Marco Rubio pointed out, no one broached the subject of absent votes in the Senate for John Kerry and Barack Obama. So I must ask why Jeb Bush re-engaged Rubio on the same subject?”

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