Jon Krohn: The Fastest-Growing Jobs Are AI Jobs
Get excited: The fastest-growing jobs in the US are AI Engineer and AI Consultant. In this Five-Minute Friday, @JonKrohnLearns looks into the reports that reveal…
Thought Leader: Jon Krohn
(Original source Independent Journal)
“Human rights activist and former Muslim Ayaan Hirsi Ali appeared on Fox News’ “Hannity” Monday to address Obama’s policies regarding radical Islamic terrorism.
During the segment, Ali spoke of her upbringing in Saudi Arabia to provide some context to the Islamic debate:
“I cannot describe to you what kind of a place Saudi Arabia is. It is apartheid–gender apartheid. It’s a place where using modern tools, and modern money…they actually enforce 7th century rules.”
Ali then spoke of her disbelief regarding American leaders saying terrorism has nothing to do with Islam.”
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Jon Krohn: The Fastest-Growing Jobs Are AI Jobs
Get excited: The fastest-growing jobs in the US are AI Engineer and AI Consultant. In this Five-Minute Friday, @JonKrohnLearns looks into the reports that reveal…
Thought Leader: Jon Krohn
John O’Leary with Adam Wright – CEO of Pilot
Joining WWSG speaker John O’Leary on today’s episode, Adam Wright is the President and CEO of Pilot, one of North America’s largest travel center networks…
Thought Leader: John O’Leary
Peter Hinssen: TikTok’s Ban, The Thermomix Strategy, and Tech’s Trump
In this episode of Radar by nexxworks, Steven van Belleghem, Pascal Coppens, and Peter Hinssen unpack the TikTok ban and its surprising aftermath, a…
Thought Leader: Peter Hinssen