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Elizabeth Warren wants a banking system that works for everyone

Thought Leader: Sheila Bair
January 16, 2019
Source: Link

By Sheila Bair (original source Yahoo Finance)

“Elizabeth Warren has announced an exploratory committee to seek the Democratic nomination for the presidency with a finely honed platform based on economic opportunity for the middle class.

She has a unifying message, extolling working families of all colors and origins to work together in their common economic interest. Her “big tent” rhetoric could pose a threat to President Donald Trump, who has built a political base by tapping into that same economic disaffection, but with a message that resonates primarily with voters who share his gender and race. With that misguided strategy, he has alienated working mothers, families of color, immigrant workers, and others who have been just as disadvantaged by the current system as high-school educated white males. Warren aims to bring them together in a potentially potent political coalition.”

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