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Dinosaurs As You Have Never Seen Them Before

Thought Leader: Newt Gingrich
May 16, 2019
Source: Link

By Newt Gingrich (Original source News Week)

“If you go to New York City, you must go to the American Museum of Natural History and see its remarkable new Tyrannosaurus Rex exhibit.

I was so intrigued by T. Rex when I was Speaker of the House, I had the cast of a skull in my main meeting room. It was huge and Time Magazine highlighted it as an example of how different the 1994 Republican Revolution was from normal Washington behavior. In fact, during really tense periods, I would remind our members that 75 million years ago the T. Rex thought what she was doing was important.

My interest in dinosaurs goes all the way back to when I was nine or 10 years old, and I read a Time-Life book with lots of fascinating dinosaur pictures. I have had a deep interest in paleontology and the natural world ever since.”

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