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Are We Truly Earning the Sacrifice of Those Who Have Gone Before Us?

Thought Leader: Allen West
May 29, 2019
Source: Link

By Allen West (Original source CNS News)

“It is the day after Memorial Day and pools are open, sales are over, and those hot dogs at the baseball parks are still awfully expensive. And yes, those who we honored yesterday still lie in their final duty stations. But the question is, what shall we do for the next 364 days until the next Memorial Day?

I have shared a simple theme over the past week where I have spoken. These two words come to us from a memorable film depicting the utter heroism and courage of our Greatest Generation, “Saving Private Ryan.” This year, just a few days away, will be the 75th Anniversary of Operation Overlord, the invasion of Normandy, June 6, 1944, otherwise called D-Day. In that film, we are introduced to the story of a Ranger Company Commander named Captain Miller, portrayed by Tom Hanks, an Academy Award-winning performance. After the D-Day landings, Captain Miller is given the task to select a few of his men and go on a mission to find a young Army Private in the 101st Airborne Division, Ryan, portrayed by Matt Damon, who has lost all of his other Brothers in the European and Pacific theaters of operation.

Trekking through enemy held territory, Captain Miller and his group of Rangers, who had suffered two losses, finally find young Private Ryan. Ryan would rather stay with his infantry squad, while the Germans are about to mount a counterattack to seize a key bridge crossing. Only Miller’s few and Ryan’s depleted squad stand in their way – and they make a stand.”

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