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Another strong voice for an Islamic Reformation

Thought Leader: Ayaan Hirsi Ali
July 7, 2015
Source: Link

By Gerald McDermott (original source Patheos)

“This time the voice is that of one of the bravest women in the world.  She is Ayaan Hirsi Ali, a native Somali who was a member of the Dutch Parliament, and now lives in the United States.  Her colleague and filmmaker Theo Van Gogh was assassinated in 2004 because he was exposing Islamist violence against innocents.  To his chest was pinned a five-page letter addressed to Hirsi Ali, threatening that she would be next.

Hirsi Ali grew up as a Muslim in Somalia and became an atheist.  She has spoken out loudly and articulately for women’s rights in the Muslim world and against jihadist Islam for some years.  As a result, she still gets death threats.”

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