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Allen West: Don’t Talk to Terrorists

Thought Leader: Allen West
Source: Patriot Post
Written by: Allen West

This piece is by WWSG exclusive thought leader, Allen West.

Greetings, y’all. The title of this week’s missive comes from a song by Rick Springfield, “Don’t Talk to Strangers.” I find it unconscionable that we somehow believe that we should enter into negotiations and talks with Islamic jihadists, also known as terrorists. This past Labor Day weekend again evidenced why that is a futile pursuit. Six hostages who were taken during the heinous raid into Israel last year on October 7th were found dead in a tunnel system under the city of Rafah. Their names are HerschGoldberg-Polin (23), Carmel Gat (40), Alexander Lobanov (32), Almog Sarusi (27), Eden Yerushalmi (24) and Ori Danino (25). Two of them were young women, and one of them was an American citizen. These barbaric animals, Hamas, forced them to make propaganda videos before they were executed — shot in the head at close distance — which they are now releasing.

So, why do we talk to individuals who have as their charter the elimination, eradication, and extermination of an entire group of people because they are Jewish? What was also quite disconcerting was Joe Biden’s warning to Israel not to enter Rafah. What did he and the Biden administration know?

Ceasefire? I am waiting for someone to explain why. Why would anyone with a sane mind believe that we should afford a reprieve to a terrorist organization, basically rewarding them for their barbaric actions…which included putting babies in ovens and beheading them?

Recently, the US Department of Justice charged Hamas leader Yahya Sinwar and others with murder, conspiracy to finance terrorism, and employing weapons of mass destruction (WMD). I am sure that these Islamic terrorist group leaders are really scared and concerned about Merrick Garland charging them with committing crimes. Israel showed us how to deal with terrorist leaders, such as former Hamas leader Ismail Haniyeh. They killed him — in Iran. Barack Obama and Joe Biden decided to release the leaders of the Taliban; they are back in power in Afghanistan. Joe Biden and Kamala Harris have decided to take the weak position of appeasement, negotiation, and acquiescence with terrorists.

During the Trump administration, we understood that Islamic jihadists understand power, strength, and might. Hence, ISIS leader Abu-Bakr was hunted down and killed. Iranian terrorist leader General Soleimani was tracked and killed. The Taliban were told there would be a conditions-based withdrawal and any attacks against US troops would be met with their death. It is said that President Trump showed the Taliban representative a photo of his home.

This leftist belief in legalistic warfare with Islamic jihadists is foolish. These are non-state, non-uniform belligerents on the battlefield. And, as we see in Gaza, they are the ones who place civilians in harm’s way, not the IDF. Let’s not forget that the IDF rescued Israeli hostages who were being held in civilian apartment residences and that Hamas uses hospitals, schools, and other civilian infrastructure as command and control headquarters.

So, why do we talk with them and take the insidious position of placing them on our level? And yes, that includes Fatah, led by Mahmoud Abbas. They are not just criminals who you arrest and take to court or plea bargain with as the Biden administration sought to do with Khalid Sheikh Mohammed, mastermind of 9-11.

Furthermore, if we are going to charge anyone with a crime, it should be those taking to the streets to support this Islamic terrorist organization. These pro-Hamas demonstrations and protests are aiding and abetting a group that has killed Americans and still holds some hostage. When will Merrick Garland start charging these useful idiots and terrorist sympathizers with a clear and present felony charge? This is not free speech. Not only do you NOT talk to terrorists, but we should NOT allow anyone to talk for and speak on behalf of them. Already, the next iteration of campus shenanigans is happening at places such as Columbia University. It is high time that these students, supported by Iran, learn that there are consequences and ramifications for supporting Islamic terrorist groups who kill Americans.

Face coverings and the terrorist flag should be prohibited in America. Next week at the presidential debate, someone should ask Kamala Harris what she was doing meeting with the anti-Semitic, pro-Hamas Mayor of Dearborn, Michigan.

As you prepare to head to the polls, remember that none of this happened in the presidential administration before the Biden-Harris clown show. So, if you want to Live Free, do not support those who believe that we should talk to Islamic terrorists.

As for me, what do I believe? Simple, you smoke the bastards and have the mentality of Ronald Reagan. “We win, they lose.”

Steadfast and Loyal.

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