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Ad market finally begins to stabilize

Global Ad Revenue
Thought Leader: Sara Fischer
January 9, 2024
Source: AXIOS
Written by: Sara Fischer

After years of pandemic-driven volatility, the global ad market is finally expected to normalize over the next five years, according to new forecasts.

Why it matters: Uncertainty in the ad market led to a record number of job cuts across the media and entertainment sectors over the past year.

State of play: The global ad market is expected to grow 5.3% this year, down from 5.8% growth in 2023, according to a year-end forecast from GroupM, one of the largest global advertising agencies.

Between the lines: For both global and North American forecasts, the ad market will still grow in real-terms, but slower growth rates mean publishers that rely on ad revenue will need to temper their expectations.

How we got here: For years, the advertising industry grew at roughly the same rate as gross domestic product (GDP).

State of play: Heading into 2024, analysts predict mid-single-digit ad growth for the foreseeable future, thanks in large part to the maturity of the digital ad market.

Zoom in: All 2024 forecasts suggest spending on traditional media, such as print, radio and television, will decline year-over-year in annual growth, but their digital alternatives aren’t expected to make up for those losses.

Be smart: Some of the factors causing consistent slower growth for the next few years are still linked back to the pandemic.

The big picture: The current trends are expected to continue to favor large, global tech platforms, thanks to their global reach and investments in AI-driven marketing tools.

What to watch: In addition to politics and sports, the automotive, travel, pharmaceutical and consumer package goods (CPG) industries are expected to post strong advertising growth next year, per Magna.

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