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A Game of Chickens: The vote on Brexit is strangely dependent on the American poultry business

Thought Leader: David Frum
March 5, 2019
Source: Link

By David Frum (Original source The Atlantic)

“LONDON—The United Kingdom is scheduled to exit the European Union on March 29. The clock is ticking to reach an agreement on a transition. Without a transition agreement, the U.K. will abruptly be ejected overnight from the European Union Customs Union and single market—a shock that could send not only Britain but also perhaps the whole EU crashing into recession.

Yet the first attempt to enact a transition law was rejected by the British Parliament on January 15. Sometime in mid-March, the British Parliament will vote again on a slightly amended version of the transition. A lot depends on this vote, for the U.K. and the world. And the deciding factor might turn out to be an unexpected hero: the American chicken.

Chicken in the United States has become incredibly cheap, averaging 79 percent of chicken prices in the United Kingdom. The industrial methods that produce cheap chicken culminate in a bath of microbe-slaughtering fluids before packaging for sale to the consumer. When Parliament votes on May’s deal later in the month, that vote will, to a surprising degree, also express a verdict on this American chicken cleanse.”

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