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A Crash Course in Bird-Friendly Architecture

Thought Leader: Hank Paulson

Tackling an avoidable cause of biodiversity loss

Bird migration is one of nature’s most impressive feats. World Migratory Bird Day, celebrated semiannually in honor of the cyclical nature of bird migration, occurs on May 14 and October 8, 2022. This year’s theme focuses on light pollution and its threat to migratory birds. Light disorients birds and draws them towards buildings, causing billions of deaths by collision each year.

Simple changes can reduce bird collisions. By reducing light pollution and building bird-safe structures, birds can continue to thrive and provide valuable ecological services. Facilitating safe passage for migratory birds by reducing light pollution, promoting bird-friendly buildings, and introducing bird-friendly land management policies is a great way for cities to contribute to the new Global Biodiversity Framework, due to be agreed upon at COP 15 Part Two in Montreal this December.

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