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Leading the Charge: Women Shaping the Future of AI

Woman Leaders AI
February 21, 2024

In today’s rapidly evolving technological landscape, understanding Artificial Intelligence (AI) is no longer optional for companies, organizations, and institutions; it’s vital for survival. This technology offers a spectrum of benefits, from automating tedious tasks and optimizing operations to gleaning hidden insights from data and personalizing customer experiences. But simply implementing AI tools isn’t enough. True competitive advantage lies in understanding how AI works, its capabilities and limitations, and its ethical implications. This empowers organizations to make informed decisions about its use, mitigate potential risks, and leverage its full potential to innovate, streamline processes, and gain a deeper understanding of their customers. Ignoring AI, on the other hand, risks leaving organizations stuck in the past, unable to compete with those who have embraced this transformative technology. In short, understanding AI is not just about efficiency or innovation; it’s about navigating the future with foresight and purpose.

The AI field is vibrant, diverse, and brimming with women leaders who are shaping the future of this powerful technology. From pioneering research to groundbreaking applications, these women are not only pushing the boundaries of AI but also advocating for inclusivity and responsible development. Inviting one of these experts to speak to your group about AI offers the opportunity to dive into their stories, discover their groundbreaking work, and be inspired by the remarkable women who are leading the charge in the exciting world of AI.

Olga Koroleva

Olga Koroleva | Worldwide Speakers Group
Olga Koroleva | Worldwide Speakers Group

Olga is a real estate entrepreneur, proponent of AI, adventurer, eternal optimist, and the founder of Capital Brain, whose mission is to harness the power of artificial intelligence to streamline real estate fundraising, development, asset management and investment sales.

Beyond Capital Brain, Olga is running an innovative real estate development firm Home Factory, Inc that’s looking for ways to combat housing crisis while building next generation sustainable green housing. Current project involves post-fire rebuilds in Santa Rosa, CA utilizing 2D factory-built panels.

Olga was named Top 10 Women in CRE Tech, nominated for The Innovator of the Year Award by CREW. She has a passion for sharing her knowledge and writes about AI often, including her recent article on human evolution and AI.

Cassie Kozyrkov

Cassie Kozyrkov
Cassie Kozyrkov | Worldwide Speakers Group

Cassie Kozyrkov is CEO at Data Scientific. She founded the field of Decision Intelligence at Google where she served as Chief Decision Scientist, advising leadership on decision process, AI strategy, and building data-driven organizations.

In almost 10 years at the company, Cassie personally trained over 20,000 Googlers in data-driven decision-making and AI and helped over 500 projects implement decision intelligence best practices.

Cassie is also a top keynote speaker and a beloved personality in the data leadership community, followed by over half a million tech professionals. If you’ve had a good chuckle while learning about AI, statistics, or decision-making, chances are you’ve encountered her writing, which has reached millions of readers. She has been honored as a LinkedIn Top Voice for over 3 years and as a #1 Artificial Intelligence writer on Medium for over 5 years.

Nina Schick

Nina Schick | Worldwide Speakers Group

Nina Schick is an author, entrepreneur and advisor specializing in Generative AI. She is on a mission to make AI accessible to everyone. Nina is a top disinformation expert and political keynote speaker, focusing on how artificial intelligence and technology reshape global geopolitics and democracy.

As a top journalist covering politics for the biggest media houses like CNN and BBC, Nina Schick is also a household name. Her expertise on how technology is transforming geopolitics and society at large is unparalleled.

Sophie Hackford

Sophie Hackford | Worldwide Speakers Group
Sophie Hackford | Worldwide Speakers Group

Sophie Hackford looks at how technologies change how we live, work, transact, and love by weaving together complex developments in diverse areas like quantum computing, AI, data, asteroid mining, and virtual reality.

Sophie’s talks are designed to create enthusiasm and constructive dialogue around emerging technologies, which are often viewed with fear and inertia by the business community. She wants to help audiences ask big questions about the future and tries to provoke positive debate amongst decision makers.

Heather McGowan

Heather McGowan Speaker
Heather McGowan | Worldwide Speakers Group

Heather McGowan believes that the future of work is human. Once we escape our outdated seeking of single-disciplinary skill sets in fear of being replaced by technology, we can focus on developing our uniquely human skills, notably our ability to learn and adapt to emerging technologies. In her AI-themed talk, Heather shares how the forces of atomization (jobs broken into job fragments addressable by outsourcing), automation (robots, process automation, etc.) and augmentation (humans leveraging technology to extend their potential) will work in concert constantly changing but not replacing human cognitive and physical labor.

Kathryn Parsons

Driven by a desire to learn and to remove the fear, jargon, and cliches which made technology impenetrable, Kathryn Parsons founded Decoded in 2011 with merely a credit card and mission to teach anyone to code in a day. She believes code is just another language, the language of the future, and one that anyone can learn.

In her speeches, Kathryn addresses various topics like machine learning, how large organizations are adopting and deploying AI, what AI may mean for the future of learning, creating cultures of learning and experimentation, and more.

Anima Anandkumar

Anima Anandkumar | Worldwide Speakers Group

Anima Anandkumar offers that rare combination of leading-edge academic research with equally deep experience in business and practical applications. She specializes in using AI in cloud computing to solve real world problems.

Anima tailors each presentation to the needs of her audience. She can address topics like strategic investments in AI, AI in enterprises, AI in the cloud, machine learning, and the social impact of AI.

To host a female AI leader for a speaking engagement, contact Worldwide Speakers Group and one of our seasoned agents will help with your selection.

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