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Sanjay Gupta answers your questions about the Zika virus

Thought Leader: Sanjay Gupta
January 29, 2016
Source: Link

By Sanjay Gupta (original source CNN) 

“The Zika virus is now active in more than 20 countries, prompting worldwide concern and travel warnings targeting pregnant women.

But before getting too alarmed, it’s important to know the facts. Dr. Sanjay Gupta, CNN’s chief medical correspondent, has been covering the rise of this virus. He went on Facebook on Thursday to take questions from people all over the world. Here are highlights from that video chat:

1. What are the early symptoms of the Zika virus?

Most people who get infected with the Zika virus will have either mild or no symptoms at all. If symptoms arise, they can include joint pain, redness of the eyes and fever. What seems to be happening in affected pregnant women, particularly in the early stages of pregnancy, is that the virus has been shown to pass through amniotic fluid and interfere with how the fetus’ brain is developing. A link has not yet been proven, but there’s a high degree of suspicion of a connection between the virus and microcephaly.”

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