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End the pre-K monopoly

Thought Leader: Newt Gingrich
September 21, 2015
Source: Link

By Newt Gingrich (original source The Washington Times)

“Back-to-school season this year coincides with the real start of the 2016 political season, which means we’ve been hearing even more than usual about one of the left’s pet policies, universal pre-K. But while progressives are usually happy to demand a new entitlement, notice what far fewer are willing to support: charter pre-K programs in the mold of the charter schools that have been so successful in elementary and secondary education.

Indeed, many states make it difficult, some even impossible, to establish charter pre-kindergarten programs. In July, a report by the Thomas B. Fordham Institute found that nine states have policies blocking charter pre-K. In 13 other states, there are 10 charter elementary schools for every one charter pre-kindergarten school.”

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