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Carly Fiorina: Raising the Minimum Wage Will Lead to ‘Less Opportunity’

Thought Leader: Carly Fiorina
Source: Link

(Original source National Journal) 

“Carly Fiorina didn’t want to give a speech on Monday when she took the stage at the Des Moines Register soapbox at the Iowa State Fair. Instead, she proceeded quickly to the question-and-answer portion, fielding questions on everything from abortion (“Planned Parenthood must be defunded”) to U.S. energy production (“a single nation acting alone will make no difference at all” on climate change).

The first question Fiorina fielded was about the minimum wage, and how she thinks raising the wage would affect the U.S. economy. Fiorina, a former CEO of Hewlett-Packard, answered as she had before, but included an interesting argument against raising the wage.”

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