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Ayaan Hirsi Ali: Trump must tackle Saudi fanaticism when he’s in Riyadh

Thought Leader: Ayaan Hirsi Ali
May 19, 2017
Source: Link

By Ayaan Hirsi Ali (original source Fox News) 

“As he leaves behind a maelstrom of domestic political troubles, President Trump must be one of the few people in the world who goes to the Middle East for some peace. However, the region badly needs some of Trump’s characteristic disruption.

On Saturday and Sunday, the president will meet Saudi leaders in Riyadh. The Saudis have organized a sprawling “Arab Islamic American Summit” around Trump’s visit, with leaders from dozens of Muslim countries visiting. No doubt his hosts will want Mr. Trump to focus on strategic issues, in particular the threat to them and other Sunni states posed by Iran. Yet he should resist the temptation to read from Riyadh’s script.”

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