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A revolutionary year in America

Newt Gingrich WWSG
Thought Leader: Newt Gingrich
June 9, 2016
Source: Link

By Newt Gingrich and Callista Gingrich (original source The Washington Times)

“This election year has been defined by candidates in both parties who are promising a political revolution. A majority of the American people are calling out for real change — for dethroning a comfortable and overbearing elite and replacing it with a more accountable government.

But if 2016 is a revolutionary year, it is also an appropriate year to remember the real revolution in our American history.

After all, in this 240th anniversary year of American independence, who better to look to than the key figure of the American Revolution, George Washington? Certainly his contemporaries — men like John Adams, Thomas Jefferson, and James Madison — saw Washington as the greatest of them all.”

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