Ben Parr Wants Your Attention: Q&A With the Author of Captivology
By: Katherine Dill (Forbes) Parr has devoted much of his career to grabbing eyeballs in various capacities, formerly as the co-editor of Mashable and now…
Thought Leader: Ben Parr
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Ben Parr Wants Your Attention: Q&A With the Author of Captivology
By: Katherine Dill (Forbes) Parr has devoted much of his career to grabbing eyeballs in various capacities, formerly as the co-editor of Mashable and now…
Thought Leader: Ben Parr
Former Princeton Native Captivates Audiences
By: Goldie Currie In his book, Parr combines the latest research on attention with interviews with more than 50 scientists and visionaries — Facebook’s Sheryl…
Thought Leader: Ben Parr
A demotion, then an Everest climb cut short: How one woman tackled two different kinds of failure
By: Caroline McMillan (Bizwomen) - It's known as the Death Zone. Elevation: 26,000 feet. Mere hours from the summit of Mount Everest, the highest point…
Thought Leader: Susan Ershler
Thought Leader: Ambassador William J. Burns
Carly Fiorina Forms New Political Action Committee
Supporters of former Hewlett Packard CEO Carly Fiorina announced the establishment of a new super PAC Tuesday to support a possible GOP presidential candidacy by the former…
Thought Leader: Carly Fiorina
Peter Diamandis: Here’s How You’ll Buy Clothes in the Future
Peter Diamandis talks virtual reality as a major emerging technology in today's featured Big Think interview. In his new book Bold (co-authored with fellow Big Think expert Steven Kotler), Diamandis…
Thought Leader: Peter Diamandis
Richard Branson Attributes Some of His Most Successful Companies to the Art of Note Taking
The note-taking connoisseur attributes some of his most successful companies to the simple act of jotting down a random, yet meaningful, moment that would have…
Thought Leader: Richard Branson
LaHood: America’s Infrastructure Crisis Is ‘Worse Than You Think’
Former Rep. Ray LaHood (R-IL) believes that it’s up to the country’s lawmakers to create legislation that will fund a complete overhaul of the nation’s…
Thought Leader: Ray LaHood
Vulcan Materials Adds former US Labor Secretary Elaine Chao to Board
Vulcan Materials Company has added two new members to its board of directors: a former Secretary of Labor and the CEO of one of the largest…
Thought Leader: Elaine Chao
100 Most Influential African-American Republicans
Congressman Allen West, voted #12 among the top 100 most influential African-American republicans.
Thought Leader: Allen West
Thought Leader: Maajid Nawaz
By: Don Kay (Vanity Fair) - ...The talk began immediately after Bush’s tweet-up ended and was moderated by Vanity Fair West Coast executive editorKrista Smith, who welcomed…
Thought Leader: Ben Parr