The world’s climate is in the hands of just three nations
While all contributions from the 195 countries at the UN’s global climate change summit in Paris will be important, three are critical.
Thought Leader: Hank Paulson
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The world’s climate is in the hands of just three nations
While all contributions from the 195 countries at the UN’s global climate change summit in Paris will be important, three are critical.
Thought Leader: Hank Paulson
3 Clear Steps to Collaborate with People You Strongly Disagree with
(Big Think) - The current state of social/political debate and discourse leaves a lot to be desired. In this Big Think Edge preview, Islamic reform…
Thought Leader: Maajid Nawaz
Former Muslim Ayaan Hirsi Ali Tells Americans to Pull Their Heads Out of the Sand
(Independent Journal) - Human rights activist and former Muslim Ayaan Hirsi Ali appeared on Fox News’ “Hannity” Monday to address Obama’s policies regarding radical Islamic…
Thought Leader: Ayaan Hirsi Ali
Allen West warns of looming world war
(WND) - Allen West, retired U.S. Army lieutenant colonel and former congressman from Florida, pointed to the recent downing of Russia’s jet by Turkish fire…
Thought Leader: Allen West
Elaine Chao: Government Policies Must Not Stifle Sharing Economy
The keynote, given by former Secretary of Labor Elaine Chao, discussed “the emerging new world of social commerce” through sharing economy companies such as Uber, Lyft, AirBnB,…
Thought Leader: Elaine Chao
Terror attacks hit at worst possible time: Eurasia
(CNBC) - The deadly attacks in Paris could start affecting the world economy if the fallout persists, a leading expert on global political risk said…
Thought Leader: Ian Bremmer
The Coming Government Takeover of Drug Pricing
(The Wall Street Journal) - ObamaCare provides the tools for a unilateral move against the industry the left loves to demonize.
‘The President and the Apprentice: Eisenhower and Nixon, 1952-1961’, by Irwin Gellman
Eisenhower’s supposedly distrustful relationship with vice-president Richard Nixon — has so far resisted revision. Irwin Gellman’s The President and the Apprentice vigorously sets this right.
Thought Leader: Robert Zoellick
Ray LaHood releases new book “Seeking Bipartisanship”
Former Jacksonville Congressman Ray LaHood discusses his time in Washington and the direction of national politics in his new book “Seeking Bipartisanship”.
Thought Leader: Ray LaHood
How an ageing population is driving the decline in equities
(Financial Times) - Corporate share buybacks in the US have reached a post-crisis high. This matters, because the trend of declining stock volumes on the…
Thought Leader: Dambisa Moyo