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Trending Topic: Technology’s Effect on Our Health

Tech and Health | Worldwide Speakers Group
March 30, 2023

Technology has become an integral part of our lives, and it is constantly evolving. While there are many benefits to using technology, there are also some potential risks to our mental and physical health. In fact, I used an AI generator to write the first two sentences of this paragraph. Will my cognitive ability to write unique copy decline if I continue to use this tool? At what point will convenience become detrimental? And AI is just one of the technological advances that has recently been questioned.

Worldwide Speakers Group thought leaders have been addressing the topic of technology’s effect on our health increasingly over the last several months. We have a selection of speakers who can address this in a thoughtful and informed manner, leaving audiences with both tactical advice for protecting their health amidst rapidly advancing technology and with hope for the future.

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Former New York City Health Commissioner, Dr. Dave A. Chokshi is well-acquainted with the effect of technology on public health. In charge of the most populated U.S. city during the height of the pandemic, Dr. Chokshi takes a pragmatic approach to technology’s impact on Americans by shining a light on the pros and cons of virtual care in his various talks and publications.

Learn More >>

Niall Ferguson takes an alternative look at technology’s effect on mental health, pointing out different yet parallel courses of emotional disruption. Alongside widely studied and accepted viewpoints, he explores tangential ideas, too: “I remain firmly persuaded that the creation of vast online networks greatly increased our vulnerability to contagions of the mind, including conspiracy theories and ‘mind viruses’ of all kinds.”

Read the Bloomberg Article >>

On season six of Chasing Life, Dr. Sanjay Gupta takes us on his most personal journey yet, while he dives into the science behind how technology is impacting our brains. As a dad of three teenage girls, he explores how worried we should be about the effect screen time is having on kids’ health. Each Tuesday his podcast seeks guidance on how to navigate a world surrounded by screens.

Latest Episode: Inside a Lab Studying Toddlers and Touchscreens >>

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