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The Reason Motivational Quotes Inspire Us

August 18, 2017

When life gets tough or the need to succeed is overwhelming, many people turn to motivational quotes for a bit of inspiration. Even the most successful people have had days where they needed to glance at an inspiring quote to remind them of their goals and ability to succeed. This need is why motivational quotes are some of the most-searched phrases every day. There is a plethora of motivational quotes accessible on the internet or in books that resonate with those searching for them. With so many quotes out there for people to choose from, what makes certain ones stand out? What has made some sayings become celebrated parts of society’s vocabulary and mantras for generations?

Depending on who you ask, the appeal appears to lie in a combination of good wordsmithing and motivational psychology. Basically, the message that someone else believes you can achieve what you want to achieve can be a powerful incentive to try harder. There is also power in the words themselves, for phrasing contributes to effectiveness. A phrase can be more appealing and convincing than all the others because of the way words are arranged. And lastly, most of the appeal in motivational quotes is in our biology. Humans are aspirational and want to look up to role models and leaders, and follow what they ask.

Words from recognized leaders in business, politics, and the arts may also hold more gravitas because of the assumption that when people are in public positions, they must be accomplished, wise, or otherwise exceptional to have achieved those positions. Those perceptions can make messages from such leaders more powerful. Here are some motivational quotes from leaders across a broad spectrum.

The Honorable Newt Gingrich

Newt Gingrich WWSG

“Perseverance is the hard work you do after you get tired of doing the hard work you already did.”

“We’re all human and we all goof. Do things that may be wrong, but do something.”

Dr. Sanjay Gupta


“You know what makes your heart swift, you know what makes your breath catch your throat, you know what makes your chest tight with anticipation. Go get that!”

Tim Storey

“Your life isn’t about the big break, it’s about one significant life transforming step at a time.”

“If you have a setback, Don’t take a step back- Get ready for a comeback!”

For more information on WWSG’s speakers that inspire us through their powerful messages, don’t hesitate to contact us.



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